We accept donations in the following accounts:
We accept donations in the following accounts:
We accept donations in the following accounts:
Account Number: 2044849775
Account Number: 2044849775
Account Number: 2044849775
Account Name: NIME Welfare
Account Name: NIME Welfare
Account Name: NIME Welfare
Bank: First Bank
Bank: First Bank
Bank: First Bank
Account Type: Naira Account
Account Type: Naira Account
Account Type: Naira Account
Account Number: 2045094314
Account Number: 2045094314
Account Number: 2045094314
Account Name: NIME Welfare
Account Name: NIME Welfare
Account Name: NIME Welfare
Bank: First Bank
Bank: First Bank
Bank: First Bank
Account Type: Dollar Account
Account Type: Dollar Account
Account Type: Dollar Account
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Unifying Hearts Across Borders
©2024, Nigerians in the Middle East
NIME is a registered company by CAC RC no. 7164527, recognized by NACCIMA (Nigerian Chambers of Commerce), and also registered in Sharjah as an Event Management Company
Don't worry, you wont get spammed.
Stay updated with the community
Unifying Hearts Across Borders
©2024, Nigerians in the Middle East
NIME is a registered company by CAC RC no. 7164527, recognized by NACCIMA (Nigerian Chambers of Commerce), and also registered in Sharjah as an Event Management Company
Don't worry, you wont get spammed.
Stay updated with the community
Unifying Hearts Across Borders
©2024, Nigerians in the Middle East
NIME is a registered company by CAC RC no. 7164527, recognized by NACCIMA (Nigerian Chambers of Commerce), and also registered in Sharjah as an Event Management Company